Sunday, June 6, 2010

Get into the LIGHT!!!!!

and look UP!!!

a little to the the left...PERFECT! DON'T! MOVE!

I seem to be yelling this quite frequently as I shove and pull my children into just the right spot to catch the light.Do all crazy photographer moms do this? Just wondering...

Friday, June 4, 2010

The Vision

This is our puppy, Merlin. My 7-year-old daughter had been asking, make that begging, for a dog since she could speak. One night, the girls and I were having a conversation about the importance of being able to envision yourself achieving goals in your mind before you see them become a reality. My sweetie girl apparently knew this already: "Just like Merlin, mom. I saw him in my mind, and I kept saying "I will get a dog. I have to have a dog. I will get a dog." And see, mom; we got a dog!" Yes, we sure did, despite the fact that both grown-ups in the home are NOT dog people. that's how that happened!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Farm Fresh Goodness...

so thankful spring is here

Friday, May 28, 2010

Comfort List...

1. A tea called Monk's Blend, which I get from our local tea shop.
2. Great books
3. Snuggling
4. Laughing children.
5. My grey "Life is Good" sweatjacket. It's so soft and cozy!
6. the smell of basil
7. Time spent picking veggies and fruit at the farm

8. flowers
9. writing
10. bookstores
11. great friends
12. spa days
13. making art

14. beautiful shops with tasty pastries and great chai lattes

Friday, May 14, 2010

Words of Wisdom

"Concerning the insecurities of which you write, my dear: Trust your own good mind and heart, and speak and write bravely." Sister Maria Cordis Richey (Comment written on a paper I wrote in March 1998.)

Messages are found just when we need them most.

Thank you, Sister Maria. Again.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This weeks challenge: Angles. This was taken a few years back, but it is one of my favorites. Click over to I Heart Faces to see some amazing shots!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Constructive Feedback

It is Constructive Feedback Friday over at I Heart Faces! Basically, you get to post a photo and get some feedback to help you make your editing / photos better. Here is the copy of the photo that I edited for this.

For this photo I am not sure of all that I did. I didn't do a lot to this one because I wasn't really sure what to do. I was just playing around with some actions (Pioneer Woman's Sunshine Action) and the contrast, I think.

This is the original:

I like the sunlight behind her and the image itself, but I don't like the overall coloring of the picture.

f/5; 1/40 sec; ISO 400; 35 mm & I use Photoshop CS2.

Thanks for any advice on improvements!!!